Pet Photo ContestEnter our free pet photo contest below to win a professional garden design or a fabulous wall fountain. Details of the prizes and contest rules may be viewed on our photo contest page. The contest has two divisions, one for your garden photo and the other for your favorite pet photo. Contest Closed
Below are Some of The Entries Received!
Scroll to the bottom of the page to view all the entries received!
Are you at a loss for ideas? Here are a few ideas for your photo submission:
It is easy to enter the contest, all you need to do is to fill in the form below, browse for your picture on your computer, and write a short story about it and click on submit. Don’t worry too much about the size of your picture, if it is too large, my software will resize it. Oh yes! Don’t forget your email address; else I can’t inform you of the prize you won!
Have Any Wonderful Pet Photos?Enter the contest now for an opportunity to win that fabulous wall fountain. Just imagine how nice it will look on your wall! What Other Visitors Have EnteredClick below to see entries from other contestants to this pet photo contest...
Kota relaxing in the grass and enjoying life!
Garden Tiger
Crosseyed Cat
Dog Treat
Will you bring me home something please !
nah ,nah, nah nah ,nah
Curious Kitten
Doggone Tired
Holey Socks!
Monkeying Around!
Grin and Bear It
Say Cheese
Puppy Love
Doggone Cool!
Wanna play?
Ahoy Matey!
Captain Canine Jack Sparrow
Rebel with a cause
Colorful Caterpillar
Sleepy Dog
Weather Cat
Powder squeezes into the giftbox!
King and Prince Not rated yet
IM MY FUR BUDS Not rated yet
Big Papi Not rated yet
I can still show you how pretty a cat can be. Not rated yet
Master, where are you? Not rated yet
Attention: This is limited to the next 7 lucky individuals“The FREE Shed Plan and Garden Improvement Project ”Enter your email address in the form below and I'll send you free instant accessDouble-check your email for accuracy to ensure you receive access to the information. Our privacy policy keeps your email safe & secure. |